French Verbs Starting with R

Irregular verb forms

No. Verb English
1 rabâcher to repeat, to harp on Conjugate
2 rabaisser to debase, to belittle Conjugate
3 rabattre to shut down, to deduct (sum) Conjugate
4 rabibocher to reconcile (fam.) Conjugate
5 rabioter to scrounge (fam.) Conjugate
6 raboter to plane Conjugate
7 rabougrir to shrivel up Conjugate
8 rabouter to join together Conjugate
9 rabrouer to scold, to snap at Conjugate
10 raccommoder to mend, to repair Conjugate
11 raccompagner to take back Conjugate
12 raccorder to connect, to link up (to), to join up (to) Conjugate
13 raccourcir to shorten Conjugate
14 raccrocher to hang up (phone) Conjugate
15 racheter to buy (back), to atone (for) Conjugate
16 raciner to take root Conjugate
17 racler to scrape, to rake Conjugate
18 racoler to recruit, to solicit Conjugate
19 raconter to tell, to relate Conjugate
20 racornir to shrivel up, to harden Conjugate
21 radicaliser to toughen, to radicalise Conjugate
22 radier to strike off Conjugate
23 radiner to show up (fam.), to turn up (fam.) Conjugate
24 radiographier to xray Conjugate
25 radoter to talk drivel, to ramble on Conjugate