Masculine Noun Endings

Singular masculine nouns take the definite article el or the indefinite article un.

Nouns that end in –o are usually masculine:

el amigo the (male) friend
el banco the bank
un baño a bathroom
un clavo a nail
la mano the hand
la moto(cicleta) the motorbike
una foto(grafía) a photograph
NB moto and foto are feminine: even though they end with –o they are contractions of longer, feminine words.

Nouns that end in –l are usually masculine:

el tonel the tunnel
un hotel a hotel
la miel the honey
la sal the salt

Nouns that end in –r are usually masculine:

el tractor the tractor
un altar an altar
la coliflor the cauliflower
una labor a task

Nouns that end in –y are usually masculine:

el rey the king
un buey an ox
la ley the law