French Verbs Starting with S

Irregular verb forms

No. Verb English
26 satisfaire to satisfy, to fulfil Conjugate
27 saturer to saturate Conjugate
28 saucer to dip (bread), to souse, to drench Conjugate
29 saupoudrer to sprinkle (with) Conjugate
30 sauter to jump, to skip Conjugate
31 sautiller to hop Conjugate
32 sauvegarder to safeguard Conjugate
33 sauver to save (from), to rescue Conjugate
34 savoir to know Conjugate
35 savonner to soap Conjugate
36 savourer to relish Conjugate
37 scalper to scalp Conjugate
38 scandaliser to scandalize Conjugate
39 scander to scan, to stress Conjugate
40 scarifier to scarify Conjugate
41 sceller to seal Conjugate
42 schlinguer to pong (fam.) Conjugate
43 scier to saw Conjugate
44 scinder to split up (into) Conjugate
45 scintiller to sparkle Conjugate
46 scléroser to sclerose Conjugate
47 scruter to scrutinize, to scan, to search Conjugate
48 sculpter to sculpt Conjugate
49 sécher to dry Conjugate
50 seconder to assist Conjugate