Spanish Verbs Beginning with M

Irregular verb forms

No. Spanish English
51 mediar to intermediate, to be in the middle
52 medicar to medicate
53 medir to measure
54 meditar to meditate, to think about sth.
55 mejorar to improve, get better
56 memorizar to memorize
57 mencionar to mention
58 mendigar to beg
59 menear to shake, to move, to stir
60 menguar to diminish, to reduce
61 menoscabar to damage
62 menospreciar to scorn, to disdain, to underestimate
63 menstruar to menstruate
64 mentar to mention
65 mentir to (tell a) lie
66 merecer to deserve, merit
67 merendar to have a snack, have as a snack
68 merodear to maraud, to prowl around
69 meter to put (in), place, insert
70 mezclar to mix, blend, to combine
71 militar to militate
72 militarizar to militarize
73 mimar to pamper
74 minar to undermine
75 minimizar to minimize
76 minorar to lessen
77 mirar to watch, look at
78 mitigar to mitigate, to allay, to alleviate
79 moderar to moderate, to reduce (speed)
80 modernizar to modernize
81 modificar to modify, change
82 modular to modulate
83 mojar to wet, to moisten
84 moldear to shape
85 moler to grind
86 molestar to bother, annoy, upset
87 momificar to mummify
88 monologar to deliver a monologue
89 monopolizar to monopolize
90 montar to mount, to get on, to ride
91 moquear to have a runny nose
92 moralizar to moralize
93 morar to dwell
94 morder to bite
95 mordisquear to nibble at
96 morir to die
97 mortificar to mortify, to upset
98 mostrar to show
99 motivar to motivar, to rationalize
100 mover to move