French Verbs Starting with C

Irregular verb forms

No. Verb English
276 concevoir to imagine, to conceive, to design Conjugate
277 concilier to reconcile Conjugate
278 conclure to conclude, to settle Conjugate
279 concorder to agree, to tally Conjugate
280 concourir to compete, to converge Conjugate
281 concréter to solidify Conjugate
282 concrétiser to materialize Conjugate
283 concurrencer to compete Conjugate
284 condamner to condemn, to sentence Conjugate
285 condenser to condense Conjugate
286 condescendre to condescend to, to yield to Conjugate
287 conditionner to condition Conjugate
288 conduire to drive, to conduct Conjugate
289 confectionner to make up, to prepare Conjugate
290 conférer to confer, to talk over Conjugate
291 confesser to confess Conjugate
292 confier to entrust, to confide Conjugate
293 configurer to configure Conjugate
294 confiner to confine (with) Conjugate
295 confire to preserve Conjugate
296 confirmer to confirm Conjugate
297 confisquer to confiscate Conjugate
298 confluer to meet, to join Conjugate
299 confondre to mistake, to confuse Conjugate
300 conformer to conform Conjugate