French Verbs Starting with C

Irregular verb forms

No. Verb English
51 capturer to capture, to catch Conjugate
52 capuchonner to cover up Conjugate
53 caqueter to cackle, to gossip Conjugate
54 caracoler to caper Conjugate
55 caractériser to characterise, to mark Conjugate
56 caramboler to collide with, to canon into Conjugate
57 carboniser to char, to carbonise Conjugate
58 carder to card Conjugate
59 carencer to deprive Conjugate
60 caresser to fondle, to caress Conjugate
61 carguer to take in (sail) Conjugate
62 caricaturer to caricature Conjugate
63 carier to decay, to rot Conjugate
64 carillonner to chime, to jingle Conjugate
65 carotter to do out of, to wangle (fam.) Conjugate
66 carreler to tile, to pave Conjugate
67 carrer to square Conjugate
68 cartonner to stiffen (with cardboard), to case (books) Conjugate
69 cascader to cascade, to gag (a part) Conjugate
70 caser to stow away, to find a place for Conjugate
71 caserner to quarter Conjugate
72 casquer to fork out (fam.), to cough up, to foot the bill Conjugate
73 casser to break, to snap Conjugate
74 castrer to castrate Conjugate
75 cataloguer to list, to categorise Conjugate